A decade after working on my first Integration project, I’ve
been reflecting on what changed and what hasn’t. My last
post focussed on how things were then, and what technology and techniques have
fallen away; but there is as much common as there is different. Much “best
practice” in 2007 is still good now, and sadly some of the challenges I saw
then are still to be truly addressed.
Open standards
A big theme of the early 2000s was a push to use open
standards - although older colleagues may point out that CORBA predated this.
In my “what changed” blog I took a rather tongue in cheek attitude to the
myriad of WS-* standards; but although this trend got a little carried away, it
was essentially a good thing.
Back then committees decided standards, now a more Darwinian
“survival of the fittest” Open Source approach has taken hold. Standards are
still open but rather than a compromise several potentials emerge, then one -
or perhaps two - win out. This was seen when Swagger,
and to a lesser extent RAML emerged as the
successors to WSDL. These can be more elegant (not having gone through the
sausage machine), but there may also be less uniformity. We don’t all quite
talk one language; but we are at heart still standards based.
Discoverability is still elusive
Last time, I discussed how HATEOAS displaced UDDI. In truth,
there’s still work to do in discoverability. My personal experience shows HATEOAS
links in REST APIs are sporadically implemented at best, and often ignored
At the extreme end of the scale, some REST evangelists
suggest that apps using APIs discover available APIs at run-time (e.g. call
api.host.com to get a completely dynamic list). This means apps don’t need to
“know” about any “/resource” APIs; but I’ve never seen this (even as a POC).
Most organisations I’ve seen adopting a REST approach will
easily reach Level 2 on the Richardson
Maturity Model but many stop there and are happy to hard code their apps to use
fixed APIs (host.com/something). Others go one step further, using HATEOAS when
most useful to link directly related items between APIs (e.g. products in a
shopping cart to a product details API) but don’t link everything.
The truth is that a fully dynamic approach isn’t too
helpful unless all logic is server side. An app which doesn’t expect an endpoint won’t know what to do with
it even if it suddenly comes available. Even without that extreme, writing lots
of HATEOAS links into an API requires effort to both develop and maintain. Linking
only what is useful, rather than absolutely everything (attempting to be “pure”)
is probably a trend which will continue, and it’s probably sensible that it
does. This means most APIs will never fully reach Richardson Maturity Level 3 –
but it’s good to keep pushing for at least some HATEOAS. Perhaps trying to get
everyone to Level 2.5?
Versioning is still hard, and still overlooked
The start of too many APIs go something like:
Step 1: “Create an API”
Step 2: Want to change the API
Step 3: “oops I didn't think
about versioning”
Step 4: “Create Version 2 of an
Versioning is very often overlooked. At one level it’s
simple: try to make changes backwards compatible so you don’t need to introduce
a new version, up-version when you do, retire the old one once all users have
Sadly, it’s tricky when there’s lots of reuse, and webs of
interdependence between APIs (the cost of HATEOAS again). This is true in large
Object Oriented projects; it was true in large SOA Web Services projects; and it’s
true in RESTful APIs.
In OO, reuse is achieved by distributing copies – so if
people run old versions it’s not your problem. If you’ve got webs of
interdependence within your own monolithic application you can at least (fairly)
easily trace and refactor where things are used.
Services on a network are more difficult. If the service is
only used by a couple of internal applications you can force them to upgrade
(perhaps even as a big bang). If APIs used by external consumers you don’t
control or apps given to “Joe Public”, then this can be really tricky. As API
owner, you’re responsible for keeping them running – or suffering the fallout
if you turn them off too soon. Tooling such as API gateways with developer keys
can help know who uses an API, as can sensible logging; but even knowing who is
using an API isn’t always enough.
As an example, if a company has four versions of a mobile app running on: Android, iOS and Windows Phone (a few do I'm told); then they have 12 apps using their APIs. Hopefully
they had foresight to include functionality to force upgrades, or a kill switch
triggering a polite message saying, “I won’t work anymore”. They probably
didn’t think of that (versioning is overlooked) so they need to maintain all
the APIs supporting these apps – or disappoint their customers by their apps suddenly
stopping with no warning.
In some ways, the tooling is better than it was, but apps
mean it’s more important than ever to think about versioning early.
Middleware still exists
This is sometimes overlooked in the present buzz around Microservices.
- Old view: Systems provide service, an ESB connects them (with discovery, transformation, orchestration and routing) – but scales poorly and is ultimately inflexible.
- New view: Microservices encapsulate single functions; provide well defined interfaces; do transformation; orchestrate other Microservices. REST allows discovery. All scales well.
This sounds great but has two problems: Microservice
Architectures aren’t going to become the norm overnight, and Microservice
architectures aren’t the best answer for every problem – so may never become
Microservices are sold on their ability to adapt quickly and
scale. Scalability comes in the form of high throughput, but also scalable development.
Not having a shared database helps solve the former, breaking down the problem
into small “two pizza sized” teams solves the latter.
Whilst all this is great, a microservice architecture has
drawbacks: distributed applications incur a cost (multiple databases, added
latency of more network calls, an “eventually consistent” data architecture)
and can be more complex. In cases where scale isn’t that important, and where
time to market isn’t key, the cost might not be worth it.
Areas of business differentiation can really benefit from an
innovative Microservices approach – but commodity IT (finance, HR, supply-chain
management etc) will likely remain COTS packages – which may never be
re-architected into Microservices COTS packages. Add to that the fact that most
organisations have Legacy products that they don’t plan to retire or replace
any time soon.
In most cases therefore there is a need to integration
between COTS/Legacy products – or need to expose a COTS/Legacy product to
custom builds. In these cases, having something flexible in the middle is still
useful. My last post discussed “The fall of the ESB”, but whilst it’s lost its golden
place as a “MUST USE”, middleware software is still a useful tool in the
toolbox for solving some problems.
Are services an asset or just part of a user story?
A common ideal (then as now) is that services/APIs are a
reusable asset. A common reality (then as now) is that they are just something
needed to deliver a particular widget or journey. Registry & Repositories,
and API Portals have both tried to solve the technical challenge of re-use (finding
an existing service/API and understanding it). As I highlighted last time, the
fact that APIs are inherently open to the internet makes them reusable outside
the organisation. But the design challenge remains. If a service is designed well,
as a generic component, then it will be more re-useable than if it’s designed narrowly,
in a rush, for an immediate need.
There are best practices (then as now) – most recently
approaches such as Mulesoft’s “API led architecture” for layering different
granularities of APIs; but ultimately this takes discipline. This works best if
someone with authority (if not the CEO,
then at least an Architect or a Product Owner) sees APIs as an asset and not
just a bit of pluming to connect an app to its data source.
Data is central
Fundamentally Integration involves only two things:
- Moving data around
- Non-functional requirements (see below)
The only truly tricky integration challenges are where data
doesn’t “fit” somehow. When trying to connect two systems and: a required field
is missing; there’s no shared key; or the formats don’t match. Ultimately most
integration design/build is data mapping and data flow; the rest is solving
silly problems, or triaging defects which had nothing to do with integration, but integration got the blame until someone proved otherwise (guilty until
proven innocent).
Finally... Fundamentals, and non-functionals
Some things which are provable (like CAP theorem). Others are
obvious and common sense, once they’ve been pointed out; but are easily done wrong until
they’re pointed out. Lots has changed in the last decade but most fundamentals
have remained (and because they’re fundamental they’re not unique to
The unhappy path is always followed eventually
Data can be sent at-most-once (try and give up), at-least-once (try, and retry but it might arrive more than once), or exactly once (but
only if you use a product with transaction commit guarantees such as JMS – and even then
there are issues). This needs to be thought about, and tested. REST APIs help
by making as much as possible idempotent –
although the consumer still needs to know to retry. POST APIs need thought about who is
responsible for not duplicating records in case timeouts (clients by doing a GET to find out if it's made it,
or servers ignoring replays - if it can detect them).
Non-functionals are key
Non-functionals could be a blog post in its own right, and
this is already far too long. Suffice it to say that security, scalability,
reliability, operability (including monitoring and alerting), latency, and
maintainability are all important, both for individual APIs and for the whole
The biggest mistake I made when first being exposed to SOA
and Web-services was assuming we were reaching an integration end of history, and that
there was a “correct answer”. I came out of university having been taught a lot
of good things, but forgetting that all science is evolution and there are a
lot of missteps and re-appraisals along the way. XML was “better” than what
came before, it was an open standard which everyone agreed on, thus it would be
that way from now on. Right?
What I didn’t see was that it was bloated, that
end-developers hated XML DOMs, and that namespaces were overkill for most
XML, and SOAP fell faster than one might have expected, but
the fact that it was replaced by something new should not have been a surprise.
Now I’m a little older, and hopefully a little wiser, I’m trying not to make
the same mistake with the tools and techniques of today. They too have
advantages over what came before, but they too have problems. “old” ideas like RPC
are being talked of again, this time with new fashionable
implementations – so the days of REST might
be numbered. What I do expect is that at least some of the things which have
stayed constant for the last decade (especially around data, fundamentals and
non-functionals) to be around for a while yet.
My postings reflect my own
views and do not necessarily represent the views of my employer.For more by me follow me on Twitter @JAGLees
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